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The Weald CofE Primary School

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Our Wonderful World

Last week at school was a special curriculum focus called Our Wonderful World. Each year group was given a country to study and they took part in many activities throughout the week.

Reception St Paul studied Brazil, making carnival masks and learning a carnival dance.

Year 1 studied Ghana. They learned how a child may have to walk 4 miles to collect water, and they also tasted Kelewele (fried plantain) and jollof (spicy rice).

Year 2 learned about the South African Flag and learned how to sing nursery rhymes in Africaans.

Year 3 studied Italy. They learned a dance called the Tarantella and made their own pizza.

Year 4 learned all about China. They practiced a Dragon dance as well as making beautiful Chinese symbols and listening to lots of Chinese music.

Year 5 each had an American state to investigate. They tasted American food, drew American landmarks in art, and tasted food such as bagels, beef jerky and marshmallow cereal.

Year 6 studied Japan, learning how to sing Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in Japanese, and also having a very relaxing Yoga session when they thought about Buddhism.


We hope your children told you all about their very exciting week!

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