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The Weald CofE Primary School

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Our Uniform



Wear your uniform, show you belong


At The Weald Church of England Primary School, we want our pupils to be proud of their school and feel proud to wear their uniform.

School Uniform is compulsory for all pupils attending our school.  

In determining the uniform the following factors have been taken into account:

  1. The smartness and appearance of the uniform.
  2. Limiting the requirements of what is acceptable to ensure that the uniform is “uniform”.
  3. The affordable cost of the uniform to parents.
  4. The quality and value for money of the uniform.
  5. The provision of a uniform that is easy for parents to purchase.
  6. The safety, health and comfort of children wearing it.
  7. The provision of a uniform which offers equality of opportunity to all pupils and is inclusive.
  8. The need to provide the older children in the school with some elements of uniform which more closely reflects their maturity.


For parent convenience, our supplier is a local shop, Love Your Logo. They stock the full range of uniform, including backpacks, book bags, gym sacks and the basics such as trousers, navy PE shorts etc., but you are welcome to shop around for these items which you will be able to find elsewhere.


Supplier Contact Details:
Love Your logo – Ashcombe House, London Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1TA – Tel: 0845 686 5353
(near Dorking Station)

Click here to view the uniform on Love Your Logo's website.



What should my child wear?


In addition to the above, children are expected to have House T-Shirts.

They are available in red (Mars), blue (Neptune),  green (Earth) and yellow (Saturn).  These will not only be used for house events such as sports day and intra-school sporting events, but will also be worn for PE. 





Additional Information


Shoes Should be smart, black leather shoes – No boots, canvas or sports trainers, heels are not acceptable, nor are ballet style shoes, boots or open toe sandals.


P.E. Kit to be worn on the child's PE day.

ClassIndoor PEOutdoor PE
3/4 St PeterWednesdayThursday
3/4 St FrancisMondayFriday
4 St Mary MagdaleneMondayFriday
5 St Joan of ArcTuesdayWednesday
6 St PetrocTuesdayWednesday

House T-Shirt with logo – Navy blue shorts or jogging bottoms in winter – Black plimsolls (trainers can be worn for outside sports).
Caps/Hats In the summer term, we expect all the children to have a hat or cap with them to protect them from strong sunshine. This can be a Weald cap, but does not have to be, although we would prefer it to be a plain colour, in keeping with our school uniform colours.
Jackets The Weald jacket is not compulsory, but we would ask that you choose a jacket that is dark in colour (preferably black or navy) with no logos or pictures. Thank you for your co-operation with this.







Jewellery should not be worn at any time, but if ears are pierced, small studs are allowed. Please note that earrings may not be worn during P.E, games or swimming sessions.

If your child is going to have their ears pierced, we ask that you have this done at the start of the summer holidays as they will be unable to do P.E. with earrings in.

A non-expensive (not internet enabled), plain coloured watch may also be worn.


Hairstyles/Make Up/Nail Polish

We believe that hairstyles should be in keeping with our uniform. Children’s hair should not be gelled, dyed, spiked nor have lines and patterns shaved into it. Long hair should be tied back. Hair accessories (bands and clips) should be simple and in the school colours – white, grey, navy or black. Under no circumstances should your child wear make-up or nail polish at school.



Non–Uniform Days (Mufti)


From time to time there are Mufti days, usually to raise money for charities or school funds. On these days the children may wear what they like, or what parents wish them to wear as long as the garments worn are safe and practical for school purposes. Children may wear mufti on these days whether or not a donation to the charity is made.

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