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The Weald CofE Primary School

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Online Safety

At The Weald CofE Primary School we take Online Safety very seriously.  The children have regular access to iPads and Chromebooks so it is essential that they know how to keep themselves safe when online.  

We regularly undertake pupil conferencing to find out how our children are using technology at home so that we know where to focus our teaching support.  We also take part in national initiatives, such as Safer Internet Day.

We use a lot of the CEOP and Think U Know materials to support learning about Online Safety.  These sites contain films, lesson plans and information for parents and teachers, so that we can work together to keep our children safe.


e-safety adviser

Keeping your child safe online - a checklist for parents and carers

Online Grooming


Inappropriate Websites

NSPCC  - Online Safety

Internet Matters - screen time advice

Get In Touch

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