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The Weald CofE Primary School

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Twin Town Penpals

Where is our Twin?

We have been learning all about Dorking's twin towns around the world. One of these towns is Duxbury, MA in the United States. After being in contact with some of the teachers from local primary schools in the United States, we decided it would be a lovely idea to become pen pals with children from across the pond.







Children were really excited to receive their first letters from the children in Duxbury where they told us all about their trip to Priscilla Mullin's house. The Mullin's are a family from Dorking that left on the historic 1620 voyage to America on the Pilgrim ship Mayflower.

The children in year 4 and 5 have been looking forward to writing back to their new pen pals this week. We hope to see lovely friendships being formed across the pond.





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