Contact Us
Thank you for your interest
We hope that this site will provide you with much of the information that you are looking for.
We are always happy to show new people around our wonderful school, however if you would like to contact us for any reason then please don’t hesitate to get in touch using any of the methods below. A contact form is also provided at the bottom of this page for your convenience.
The Weald Church of England Primary School
Newdigate Road
Beare Green
Telephone: 01306 711719 Your call is likely to be answered by Penny Alder from our office team.
Headteacher: Mr James Baguley
SENDCO: Mrs Becky Hopkins (contact via the school office)
Chair of the LC: Mr Andrew Poulton (
CEO of the Good Shepherd Trust: Mr Paul Kennedy
Enquiries regarding children's learning, should be addressed to the class teacher in the first instance.
For free of charge paper copies of any of the documentation on this website, please contact the school office.
Our Sponsor
Academy Trust: We are proud to be a member of The Good Shepherd Trust – the Trust website can be viewed here.
Information on the finance and governance arrangements (including annual reports and accounts) can be found on the Trust website.
Academy Trust address: Academies Office, Larch Avenue, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 1JY
Academy Trust telephone: 01483 910210
Academy Trust email:
Pupil Transport
If your child uses school transport and you would like to speak to their travel provider, the contact details can be found below:
ESRTP, Buses 4U (Route E530A & B/21) 01883 701270
Our Location