The Wider Community
Our Community
Our school community is a close and happy community. Our children, parents, staff and LGB members, work in partnership with The Good Shepherd Trust, to provide the best opportunities for every pupil. We believe that The Weald Church of England Primary School is strengthened by its wider community links.
Our Parish Church
We work closely with our local clergy and their churches. The Reverend Noelle Coe and Reverend Jane, Vicar of St Mary Magdalene Church, The Holmwood, regularly leads collective worship in our church school. The whole school holds special services in St Mary Magdalene Church on a regular basis.
Information on The Diocese of Guildford can be found here.
Dorking Schools' Partnership (DSP)
The DSP is a group of fifteen schools working together to provide local children with a range of opportunities and support which will help them find enjoyment and achievement, be healthy, be safe, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. By working with others within our local community we are able to provide families with quality childcare, parenting support, a range of out-of-school activities, specialist support for those who need it and opportunities for all to become involved in all activities.
Click here to find out more about the Dorking Schools' Partnership.
Community Events
The Weald has pleasure in taking part in several local events, including the Beare Green Village Day, the Capel Vicarage Fete, and the Holmwood Village show. At Christmas, we take part in the decorated tree celebration in the churchyard of St John the Baptist, Capel.
On occasion, a group of Year 6 children visit the Monday Lunch Club in the Beare Green Village Hall. The lunch club is open to all local residents and is a great way for the elderly to get together and enjoy a good home-cooked dinner. The children help to serve the meals and clear up, as well as chatting to and meeting our older residents.
Supporting Local and National Causes
The Weald Church of England Primary School is a school with relationships and community at its heart. We actively encourage all children to get involved in fundraising activities for both local and international charities.
We regularly support a range of charities by holding cake sales, mufti days and sponsored events. We have supported Macmillan, NSPCC, Red Nose Day (Comic Relief), Children in Need, and Save the Children.
We raise money each year by selling poppies and wristbands for The Royal British Legion.
Closer to home, our Harvest collection of tins, packets and non-perishable food, went to the Dorking Food Bank. This food is distributed to those who need it, in the Dorking Area.
Each year, our Year 6 children are involved in an Enterprise Week where they devise and run a money-making enterprise. Half of the money they raise goes to charity and the rest is spent on a treat for themselves. However this year, one class decided that all the money should go to charity and kept nothing for themselves. We were incredibly proud of them and delighted that the school has encouraged and helped them to be such selfless individuals.