Being Philosophers (RSE and Wellbeing)
Our Vision
A space to learn and grow. We believe that positive wellbeing is something that children need to actively learn about throughout their time at The Weald. We aim to create learners who feel confident to be themselves and to fulfill their potential. During their time at The Weald, children will learn the skills to recognise, form and maintain positive relationships, preparing them for their future lives. Through outdoor experiences, engaging stories and collaborative discussion children can safely learn the importance of keeping themselves both physically and mentally healthy. Children who have developed emotional literacy and learnt strategies to recognise and manage their emotions are better prepared to face the challenges of life in modern Britain. By learning about rights and responsibilities, our children know how to be a member of a diverse society and how to contribute positively to their environment both locally and globally.
How we plan and teach being Philosophers
Our Wellbeing Curriculum is taught through The Story Project; carefully choosing stories and innovative accompanying resources that enable teachers to develop their classes wellbeing alongside their literacy skills. At The Weald, Relationships and Health Education is taught as part of the school’s Story Project Wellbeing curriculum. Over a two-year cycle, children study 12 carefully chosen books, which meet the statutory RHE objectives alongside our wellbeing objectives. Throughout the children’s time at The Weald, learnt Principles are applied and developed across the wider curriculum and in a variety of social contexts.
At the Weald, we follow the Church of England’s approach to RHE and Sex Education, that everyone will be treated with dignity as all people are made in the image of God and loved equally by God. Throughout our Wellbeing curriculum, we aim to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of all pupils.
To enhance and enrich our Wellbeing curriculum, we participate in a variety of whole school wellbeing days, including, diversity week, black history month and healthy school’s week. Our Wellbeing Curriculum is promoted within the school community through assemblies, wellbeing newsletters and our open door policy.
How we evaluate our learning as Philosophers
The impact of our Wellbeing Curriculum is evident in the confidence our children demonstrate when expressing their emotions and managing their relationships. We see the impact of this learning in our children’s engagement with their community and their care for others. The choices our children make to keep themselves safe and both mentally and physically healthy reflect the impact of our Wellbeing Curriculum.