Special Education Needs and Disabilities
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Each child is unique. If your child has a special educational need or disability, the level of provision used to support them will vary.
The school utilises a continuum tier system that identifies the SEND support required, in order to help ensure your child’s needs are met.
Mrs Becky Hopkins is the SENDCO and is responsible for the overall co-ordination of our SEND provision and a point of support and advice for parents. Please contact the school office if you would like to make an appointment to meet with Mrs Hopkins.
There is a wide range of support services available, provided by Surrey County Council to children in Surrey schools. Further information on the Surrey Local Offer can be found here.
If you are concerned that your child may have special educational needs, click here for guidance.
Parents can obtain independent advice from SSIASS who can be contacted here or the Local Special Educational Needs Team:
South East Area Office
- Covers Mole Valley, Tandridge, and Reigate and Banstead
- Telephone: 01737 737990
- Email: molevalley.sesend@surreycc.gov.uk
What does SEND provision look like at The Weald?
At our school, we are fortunate to have a dedicated team, who are committed to providing a welcoming, attractive and stimulating environment to support the needs and develop the learning of all children. Every child and family in our community is valued and diversity is celebrated.
Our SENDCO and senior leadership team, work closely with class teachers to ensure that 'Quality First Teaching' is delivered consistently, in order that all groups of learners make good progress, including children who may have additional needs. Teaching is tailored towards individual learners, providing challenge and support and stimulating everyone to reach their full potential.
Please visit https://www.surreylocaloffer.org.uk/practitioners/resources/ordinarily-available-provision to Surrey's 'Ordinarily Available Provision' page which provides an overview of high quality teaching and what strategies and interventions we use to support our learners.
If you feel that your child has an additional need, we ask that you speak to the class teacher in the first instance.
Teachers are trained to vary their teaching styles and use of resources, to ensure that they are meeting the needs of all learners.
If your child continues to make limited progress, we would consider alternative interventions or support. We offer a range of interventions such as Speech and Language therapy, Lego therapy, ELSA. Intervention groups are run by trained staff, who liaise with class teachers and the SENDCO, to make sure the full needs of the children are being met and that they are transferring what they have learnt in additional support that may be provided additional to class learning, to their work within the classroom.
If your child is placed on the SEND register at school, they will usually be entered as SEND support. Pupil Passports are issued with tight, measurable targets set for your child. These are reviewed by all staff working with your child and new targets are set three times a year. These plans will be shared with you.
Should a child not make progress at SEND support level, then the school may consider a request for an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). The school would seek advice from other professionals before submitting a request. These professionals may include: Behaviour Support, Learning and Language, Speech and Language, Linden Bridge ASD Outreach Service, Educational Psychology, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) or Paediatrics. Parents are fully involved during the EHCP process.
The Local Authority will decide if a child meets the criteria for an EHCP. If a child receives an EHCP then specific support and provision will be put in place to effectively meet the needs of the child. More information can be found here.
Further information can be found below.