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The Weald CofE Primary School

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Child Protection and Safeguarding

Our Commitment

The Weald CofE Primary School and The Good Shepherd Trust are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We ensure that all our recruitment and employment practices reflect this commitment.


The safety and wellbeing of every child in the care of The Weald CofE Primary School is our absolute priority. We expect all of our staff, pupils, parents, LGC members, Trust directors, visitors, contractors and third party professionals to share this view. The safeguarding and protection of children is everyone’s responsibility. All staff receive regular continuous professional development, which is supplemented with weekly briefings and other support e.g. case studies.


Designated Safeguarding Leads

The term “Designated Safeguarding Lead” (DSL) is used in the DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education document and refers to the person accountable for overseeing the safety and wellbeing of the children in the care of their setting. The role of the DSL must be fulfilled be a member of the schools senior leadership team to ensure that they have appropriate authority and status to provide advice and support to other staff on child welfare and child protection matters.


Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)

Mr James Baguley (DSL)


Mrs Rebecca Hopkins (DSL) SENDCoMrs Helen Young (DDSL) Home School Link WorkerMiss Clare Haines (DDSL) School Administrator

Designated Teacher for Looked After Children: Mrs Rebecca Hopkins.

Mrs Sarah Smith and Andy Poulton are our LGC Safeguarding Champions.
Head of Safeguarding and Wellbeing at GST Liz Tedbury.
Nominated Safeguarding Director (MAT) Mary Lewis. Click here for the GST safeguarding page

Reporting a Concern

If you are concerned about the safety of a child or an adult working at The Weald, please contact a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) within the school without delay in person, by phone (01306 711719) or by email:


If you would prefer not to speak to a Designated Safeguarding Lead, you can contact the Surrey Children's Single Point of Access (C-SPA). The C-SPA provides residents and people who work with children in Surrey with direct information, advice and guidance about where and how to find the appropriate support for children and families.


Availability: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

Office hours: 0300 470 9100

Out of hours: 01483 517898

The Local Authority provide more information about their approach to protecting children from harm here.


In an emergency or if you believe someone is in immediate danger dial 999


To contact the the NSPCC call 0808 800 5000


Concerns about adults working at The Weald Primary School

If your concern is about an adult working or volunteering at the school please contact the Headteacher


If your concern is about the Headteacher, you should contact The Chair of the Good Shepherd Trust Board, James Friend:


If you are unable to contact the Headteacher or James Friend, the LADO Service manages allegations against individuals who work or volunteer with children in Surrey. If you have a concern regarding someone who works with children please contact the LADO on 0300 123 1650 or


    Click on the logo to go to the NSPCC website


 Has something happened online that has made you feel worried or unsafe?   

Click on the logo to make a report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors



   Learning resources for parents about online gaming and social media



      Click here to visit C-SPA


On the 1st April 2021, the DfE established a dedicated helpline, run by the NSPCC, to support survivors of sexual harassment and abuse in education settings: 0800 136 663.


Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child's welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that this dialogue could be contrary to the child's welfare. 

Please note that the school has a statutory duty to refer and monitoring cases of suspected harm and abuse to the appropriate authorities.

We use a computerised system called CPOMS to record and track safeguarding concerns.


We have a number of policies and procedures that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, which are regularly reviewed.


The DfE provide statutory guidance for schools on safeguarding children and safer recruitment, which can be found here.


Safer Recruitment

The school operates a separate safer recruitment process. On all recruitment panels there is at least one panel member who has undertaken safer recruitment training. The recruitment process checks the identity, criminal record (enhanced DBS), mental and physical capacity, right to work in the UK, professional qualifications and seeks confirmation of the applicant's experience and history through references. 


DBS Filtering

Information on DBS filtering and where employees and potential candidates can obtain independent advice on this matter, can be found on the Vacancies and Volunteering page.

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