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The Weald CofE Primary School

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Church Partnership

We have a close partnership with St Mary Magdalene Church in Holmwood.


Reverend Jane and church volunteers are warmly welcomed to The Weald where they deliver bi-weekly collective worship to all pupils and run a lunchtime Wild Church club, to extend themes from collective worship. Reverend Jane meets regularly with our faith ambassadors, who work together to support the Christian life of the school.



We visit St Mary Magdalene church throughout the  year, to gather together and worship as a school family – including parents, carers and members of the congregation. This is at Christmas, Easter and at the end of the academic year – all led in part by The Weald faith ambassadors, alongside Reverend Jane.




We also attend church for Easter Pause Day, a lovely intimate and creative way of exploring Easter with our classes and members of the church, to deepen our understanding and give us the opportunity to ask questions and share and discuss our thoughts and feelings at this important time in the church calendar. 


Visit the church website at:


As a school within Guildford Diocese, our Year 6 visit Guildford Cathedral to celebrate and give thanks for their time at Primary School.


We also take part in the annual Christmas art exhibition. 

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