Around the school this week
There has been such a range of learning across the school this week. Here are just a few photos of the amazing things your children have been a part of.
Forest School took children outside to learn about bugs, trees, the environment, and camouflage to name just a few of the lessons. Children in Year 5 hid coloured wool in the environment to see if it was easier to spot the red, green, brown or blue strands. Children in Year 2 went on a bug hunt then made their own creatures out of leaves and twigs. Year 6 learned all about trees then made their own.
Year 4 had a golf lesson to get them ready for the Dorking Schools Partnership Golf Tournament. They will receive 2 more lessons to get them up to scratch.
In Year 2, Nurse Street came in to teach the children all about why washing your hands is so important. The children learned about germs, then their hands were squirted with a special spray that shows germs up under UV light. The children then washed their hands and had another go. All the children wrote lovely letters to Nurse Street, promising to wash their hands after the loo and before every meal - has your year 2 child kept their promise!?
Lastly, year 5 received a visitor from Bough Beech Water Treatment Plant, to prepare them for their trip there next week. They saw the visitor add mud, insects, ducks(!) and plastic wrappers to the water before treating and filtering it in to make it safe to drink. The children are very excited about seeing the treatment plant for real next week.