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The Weald CofE Primary School

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Juniper Hall Residential. Year 4.

Day One                                                                                                                                                                 After being registered and welcomed by their class teachers, children had a small hike up part of Box Hill before exploring 'what do you need to survive a night in the wilderness?' Children selected from a range of three items they would take with them and what things they would be able to go without.

They worked together to build 'rain proof' shelters and needed to complete them before the ‘storm’ approached. This was when children realised that their ‘rain proof’ shelters were not so ‘rain proof.’ 

After enjoying their lunches, we then had a go at lighting fires using natural materials, some of which were found around us. Once the fires were lit, they had a go at communicating and making messages using semaphore with flags. They conveyed information from a distance by means of visual signals with hand-held flags, rods, disks, paddles and bare or gloved hands.

Before getting cleaned up and changing for dinner, they collected nettles and children helped to make wild tea which went down surprisingly well. 

In the evening, they worked as teams on the 'egg drop challenge' to create a safety device/pod to prevent the egg from cracking. These were then left ready to be tested in the morning.


Day Two

We started our second morning with a big breakfast to fuel us all for the day ahead. We finished the ‘Egg Drop Challenge’ from the evening before and only one group was successful with their egg not cracking.

Our focus for the day was studying the River Tillingbourne. After looking around our new surroundings, children completed a field sketch of all the different things they could see, this included the river, the banks and meanders. Children then annotated with erosion and deposition thinking about how the water moved fast or slow depending on if it was on the inside or outside of the bend.

After a packed lunch outside, we used D nets and a method called ‘kick sampling’ to catch a variety of water organisms. Children put them in trays and bug catchers to analyse them all. We then had a river walk which was enjoyed by all as we were able to cool off in the river and after, we sat silently having reflection time listening to nature around us and feeling a nice breeze. Once back at Juniper Hall, we did a task called Green Artists. We used nature and natural materials to create a variety of 2D and 3D artwork.


Day Three

After their last full breakfast, children packed their bags, had a final room inspection and we all met outside for map work around the Juniper Hall site. As well as map work, Children completed orienteering activities in which they were in teams and worked with increased independence. They created and hid geo-caches with maps for other groups to find and they all completed this task showing all our great values.

After lunch they all enjoyed ice lollies to cool down before our Mini Olympics. We attempted four different events which included: team long jump, cross the river, team head to toe hula-hoop and wet sponge relay.

After a busy 3 full days, we got ready to say goodbye to friends and Juniper Hall and go home.


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